Rosales arbustivos - Rosas arbustivas - Rosales de parque
Rosales modernos, Rosas modernas

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[+] Lista de rosales Arbustivos (1892)
Fuente: HelpMeFind
- L.D. Braithwaite
- l/58/88
- La Follette
- La Mélusine
- La Rose Bordeaux®
- La Sévillana
- La Sevillana®
- Lac Blanc
- Lac La Nonne
- Lac Rose
- Lady Angela
- Lady Carolina
- Lady Curzon
- Lady Duncan
- Lady Elsie May™
- Lady Heirloom
- Lady Le-Ru
- Lady of the Mist
- Lady Phelia
- Lady Sonia
- Lafollette
- Lamb Chop
- Lambert Closse
- Lancashire (Groundcover, Kordes, 1998)
- Landmark Rose
- Last Tango
- Laura (Shrub 2002)
- Laura Clements™
- Lavender Cover
- Lavender Dream
- Lavender Floorshow
- Lavender Friendship
- Leafland Glow
- Leander
- Leda (Shrub)
- Leeds Castle
- LEGgab
- Leipzig
- Lemon Meringue™ (Shrub, Radler, 2003)
- Lemon Zest
- Len 1
- LENana
- LENbaser
- LENbit
- LENbrac
- LENdadi
- LENfil
- LENfiro
- LENgra
- LENgrati
- LENisur
- LENisure
- LENivill
- LENkivi
- LENlita
- LENloro
- LENmacra
- LENmobar
- LENmobri
- LENmor
- LENmule
- LENnedi
- LENneei
- LENpac
- LENpaya
- LENpenba
- LENpetir
- LENplat
- LENpli
- LENpoba
- LENramp
- LENray
- LENreho
- LENrohi
- LENros
- LENru
- LENruba
- LENruma
- Lens Pink
- LENsiver
- LENsnaba
- LENspra
- LENstebrac
- LENtrichin
- LENtrifel
- LENtriga
- LENtrihel
- LENtrimera
- LENverba
- LENvoha
- LENvola
- LENwhi
- LENwiga
- LENwil
- LENyak
- Leonard Dudley Braithwaite
- Lessing
- LETlyda
- Lexy
- Libre Ingénue®
- Lichtkonigin Lucia
- Lichtkönigin Lucia
- Lieve Louise
- Light Touch
- Lila Banks
- Lilac Charm X Basye's Legacy
- Lilac Rose (English Rose)
- Lilian Austin
- Liliana
- Lily Freeman
- Lillian Gibson
- Limberlost Blush
- Linda Campbell
- Linderof
- Lindherof
- Linnea's Rose
- Little Betty
- Little Bo-Peep
- Little Butterfly
- Little Gigi
- Little Green Snake
- Little Mischief
- Little Miss Springtime
- Little Mouse of the Opera
- Little One
- Little Woods Rose
- Liverpool Daily Post
- Lizzie Molk
- Lochinvar
- Long Tall Sally
- Lord Don
- Lordly Oberon
- Loredo
- LORsebue
- Louis Riel
- Louisa Stone
- Louise
- Louise Clements (Shrub, Clements, 1996)
- Lovania
- Love You
- Lovely Fairy
- Lovely Meilland
- Love's Gift
- Love's Song
- Loyalist
- LUCdod
- Lucens Erecta
- Lucetta
- Lucia (Shrub, Kordes, 1966)
- Lucinde®
- Ludlow Castle
- Lutin®
- Lyda Rose
- Lydia (Shrub, Kordes, 1973)
- Lydia Morris
- Lynn Elizabeth
- Lynne Elizabeth™
- Lynnie
- Lyric
- LLX 8653 (LENwiga)
- LLX8241
- LLX8269
- LLX8548
- LLX8549
- LLX8571
- LLX8597
- LLX8598
- LLX8600
- LLX8603
- LLX8652
- LLX8654
- LLX8657
- LLX8689
- LLX8744
- LLX8775
- LLX8791
- LLX8802
- LLX8814
- LLX8817
- LLX8818
- LLX8819
- LLX8821
- LLX8842
- LLX8866
- LLX8873
- LLX8877
- LLX8886
- LLX8898
- LLX8912
- LLX8926
- LLX8964
- LLX8995
- Mabelle Stearns
- MACbunber
- MACcatsan
- MACeye
- MACfirwal
- MACkalves
- MACkepa
- Macmillan Nurse
- MACmoodre
- MACoranlem
- Macrantha Raubritter
- MACredparap
- MACredsaus
- MACwhaka
- Macy's Pride™
- Madame Bovary®
- Madame Charles Frederic Worth
- Madame Charles Frederic Worth
- Madame Charles Frederick Worth
- Madame d'Arblay
- Madame d'Arblay
- Madame Figaro
- Madame Gregoire
- Madame Gregory
- Madame Hermann Haefliger
- Madame Hermann Haefliger
- Madame Paul Massad
- Madame Paule Massad®
- Madeline's Choice
- Madison (Groundcover, Poulsen, 1999)
- Madrigal
- Magenta Floorshow
- Magic Blanket® (Shrub, J&P)
- Magic Carpet (Groundcover, J&P 1993)
- Magic East
- Magic East (Shrub, Viraraghavan, 1998)
- Magic Meidiland
- Magic Meillandecor
- Magneet
- Magseed
- Maid Marian
- Maid Marion (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1930)
- Maigold
- Mainaufeuer®
- Mainzer Red
- Mainzer Wappen
- Maiwunder
- MAKeddan
- Make-Up
- Malaguena
- Mamy Blue®
- Mandryka
- Mango Blush
- Manhattan (Floribunda, Poulsen, 1999)
- Mannheim®
- Manuel Canovas®
- Many Happy Returns
- Margaret Bushby
- Margaret Fleming
- Margaret H
- Margaret Roberts
- Marge
- Marguerite Hilling
- Maria Teresa® (Floribunda, Lens, 1984)
- Marianne Wolff
- Marie Bugnet
- Marie Curie®
- Marie Victorin
- Marie-Victorin
- Marinette (Shrub, Austin, 1997)
- Mariposa Gem
- Marjorie Fair®
- Marjorie Marshall
- Marondo®
- Marquise Orsola Spinola
- Marquise Spinola®
- Martha Bugnet
- Martha's Vineyard
- Martian Sunrise
- Martine Guillot®
- Mary Adrienne
- Mary Cullen
- Mary Hayley Bell
- Mary L. Evans
- Mary MacKillop
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary McKillop
- Mary Rose®
- Mary Webb®
- MAScanta
- MAScarmé
- MAScybe
- MASdogui
- MASdomo
- MASelgi
- MASflodel
- MASfrabla
- MASframb
- MASgenti
- MASgrma
- MASjoma
- MASlako
- MASlupau
- MASmabay
- MASmaric
- MASmarti
- MASmora
- MASpagui
- MASpaujeu
- MASpeti
- MASrobo
- Master Hugh
- MASversi
- MASversi (delete)
- MASwicri
- Matador
- MATdov
- MATtdor
- Mattie Eloise
- Maude Elizabeth
- Mavourneen
- Maxine (Shrub, Williams, 1998)
- Maxine's Sister
- Maybelle Stearns
- Mayflower (English Rose, Austin, 2001)
- Mayor of Casterbridge
- Maytime (Shrub, Buck, 1975)
- Meadow Ruby
- Mecklenburg
- MEHbush
- MEHlong
- MEHmore
- MEHnina
- MEHsherry
- MEIalate
- MEIbeluxen
- MEIbonrib
- MEIcascal
- MEIcoublan
- MEIcoublanc
- MEIchibon
- MEIchonar
- Meidiland Alba
- MEIdomonac
- MEIfani
- MEIflopan
- MEIgekanu
- MEIhaitoil
- MEIjacolet
- MEIkrotal
- MEIlomit
- MEIlontig
- Meilland Decor Arlequin®
- Meilland Decor Rose
- MEImater
- MEImick
- MEImodac
- Mein Schöner Garten®
- Meindheert Hobbema
- Meine Oma
- MEIneble
- Meinheert Hobemma
- MEInirlo
- MEInoble
- MEInoiral
- MEIouscki
- MEIpelta
- MEIpitac
- MEIplatin
- MEIpopul
- MEIpoque
- MEIpotal
- MEIpreston
- MEIpsidue
- MEIrameca
- MEIranovi
- MEIratcan
- MEIribbon
- MEIrozrug
- MEIrumour
- MEIsecaso
- MEIsionver
- MEIsolroz
- MEIstocko
- MEIturaphar
- MEIvahyn
- MEIvibroum
- MEIwaton
- MEIxetal
- MEIxtraflo
- MEIzourayor
- MEJakka
- MEJoria
- MEKkada
- Melany Renaissance
- Memories (Shrub, Clements, 1997)
- Memory Bells
- Memphis (shrub, Poulsen)
- Mentor
- Meredith Bohls
- Merete Stenbock
- Meriggio®
- Merle Blanc
- Micmac
- Micrugosa
- Micrugosa Alba
- Midnight Blue™
- Mike's Old-Fashioned Pink
- Millicent
- Mini Lights
- Minilights
- Mirato (Shrub, Evers, 1998)
- Mirato® (Shrub, Tantau, 1990)
- Miss Alice®(English Rose, Austin, 2000)
- Miss Dior
- Miss Maine 1999
- Miss Maine 2000
- Miss Pam Ayres
- Missy Eleanor
- Mistress Quickly
- Misty Veil
- Mix 'n' Match™
- Mizar®
- Mme Bovary
- Mme. Charles Frederick Worth
- Mme. Figaro
- Mme. Gregoire
- Mme. Gregory
- Mme. Paul Massad
- Mme. Paule Massad
- Mockin' Bird
- Mocking Bird
- MOEmargaret
- Mohawk
- Molineux
- Mom's Seedling
- MONangie
- Montecito
- Monticello
- Moody Dream
- Moon River™ (Shrub, Kordes, 1998)
- Moonbeam (English Rose)
- Moonglow
- Moore's Classic Perpetual
- Moore's Pink Perpetual
- Moose Range
- Morabito®
- MORbouquet
- MORceedee
- MORclassic
- MORcofair
- Morden Amorette
- Morden Belle
- Morden Blush
- Morden Cardinette
- Morden Centennial
- Morden Fireglow
- Morden Ruby
- Morden Snow Beauty
- Morden Snowbeauty
- Morey's Pink
- Morey's Pink China
- MORfree
- Morga
- Morgengrüss
- Morgenrot® (Shrub, Kordes, 1985)
- Morgenröte (Shrub, Kordes, 1988)
- Morgensen
- Morgensonne
- MORgrapes
- MORmagem
- MORnick
- Morning Colors
- Morning Greeting
- Morning Has Broken
- Morning Mist (Shrub, Austin, 1996)
- Morning Mist 96
- Morning Star (Shrub, yellow)
- Morning Stars
- Morning Sun (Shrub, Kordes, 1954)
- Morningrose
- MORpapplay
- MORpinkper
- MORposa
- Morsdag Alba
- Morsdag Red
- MORsemuri
- MORshakrug
- MORsharon
- MORsycheek
- MORten
- Mortimer Sackler™
- MORwings
- MORyears
- MORyelrug
- Moschata Grandiflora
- Mosellied
- Mossman
- Moth
- Mother Mary McKillop
- Mount Everest
- Mountain Mist
- Mountain Music
- Mountain Snow
- Moxie
- Mr. Pomeroy's Rose
- Mrs Nancy Cannon
- Mrs. Charles Frederick Worth
- Mrs. Doreen Pike
- Mrs. Joan Lewis
- Mrs. John McNab
- Mrs. John McNabb
- Mrs. MacDonald's Rose
- Mrs. Mary Thomson
- Mrs. O.G. Orpen
- München
- Münchener Fasching
- Munster
- Muriel Humenick
- Music Maker
- Musician
- Musketeer
- Muslin Rose
- My Fifi
- My Gina
- My Granny
- My Hero
- My Ouma
- My Stars
- My Wild Irish Rose
- Myriam®
- Mystic (Shrub, Poulsen, 1994)
- Mystic Fairy
- Mystic Meidiland®
- Mystique (Shrub, Poulsen, 1994)
- n/75/88 (AUSwill)
- Nadia Renaissance
- Napa Valley
- Nascapee
- Natchez
- Native Wedding
- Neige d'Été
- Nelkenrose
- Nelly Custis
- NEMlove
- Nevada
- New Blush™
- New Century
- New Face
- New Fashion
- Newly Wed
- Newport
- Nice 'n' Easy
- Nicolas
- Nicole Mioulane®
- Nigel Hawthorne
- Night Life (Shrub, Brown, 2000)
- Night Song
- Nimble
- Nina (Shrub, Mehring, 2000)
- NOAelsie
- NOAfeuer
- NOAtraum
- NOBam
- Noble Anthony
- Noble Antony
- Nora Johnson
- Norfolk
- Northamptonshire
- Northern Encore
- Northern Lights® (Shrub, Noack, 1997)
- Northlander
- Norwich Gold
- Norwich Pink
- Norwich Salmon
- Nova Zembla
- Nuage Blanc
- Nuit de Chine®
- Nur Mahal
- Nur-Mahál
- Nutneyron
- o/lb/89
- Ocooch Mountain Rose
- Octavia Hill
- Octet
- Odense City
- Odile Masquelier®
- Odorata 22449
- Ohio (Shrub, Shepherd, 1949)
- Okaga
- Olbrich's Merry Red
- Old Fashioned Pink
- Old Fashioned Romance™
- Old Lilac
- Oleander Rose
- Olivier Roellinger®
- Olympus®
- O'Neal's Bequest
- Onkaparinga
- Ora Kingsley
- ORAdiwu
- Orange Chalice
- Orange Floorshow
- Orange Impressionest
- Orange Waves
- Oranges and Lemons
- Oranges 'n' Lemons™
- ORApaymel
- ORAsarpal
- Oratam
- ORAwichkay
- Oregon Trail™
- Orinda
- Ormiston Roy
- Orsola Spinola®
- Oshun
- Oskar Scheerer
- Othello (English Rose)
- Ottawa
- Otto Linne
- Our Molly
- Our Rosy Carpet
- Out of Yesteryear
- Outta The Blue™
- Oxfordshire
- p/17a/91 (AUSwinter)
- P/27/88 (AUSbaker)
- Paderborn
- Pagoda
- Painter Renoir
- Palmengarten Frankfurt
- Paloma Blanca
- PALS Niagara
- Panda Meidiland®
- Papagena
- Paraglider
- Parfum de l'Hay
- Park Jewell
- Parkjewel
- Parkjuwell
- Partridge
- Pastorale®
- Pastourelle
- Pat Austin™
- Pathfinder
- Patio Princess
- Patio Snow™
- Pat's Delight
- Patte de Velours
- Paul Bocuse®
- Paul Cézanne®
- Paul Ecke, Jr.™
- Paule Massad
- Paulii
- Paulii rosea
- Paulii Roses
- Paws
- Pax (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1918)
- Pax Iola
- Peach Blossom (English Rose, Austin, 1990)
- Peach Schnapps
- Peachy Pink Magic Carpet
- Pearl Drift
- Pearl Meidiland
- Pearl Mound
- Pearl Sevillana™
- PEAvenus
- Peeping Tom
- Pegasus
- Peggy Joan Reynolds
- Peggy M
- Perdita
- Perle Meillandécor
- Perpetual Red (Shrub, Gaujard, 1955)
- Persian Autumn
- Peter Beales
- Petit Marquis
- Petit Rat de l'Opera
- Petit Serpent
- Petite Pink Scotch
- Petite Rouge
- Phantom (Shrub, McGredy, 1992)
- Phantom of the Opera
- Phillipa
- Phlox Meidiland
- Photogenic
- Piccolo Pete
- Picture of Health
- Pierre Gagnaire®
- Pike's Peak
- Pillow Fight
- Pimpernelle (Shrub)
- Pimpinellifolia (Double Pink)
- Pimpinellifolia (Double Yellow)
- Pink Avalanche
- Pink Bassino (delete)
- Pink Bassino®
- Pink Bianca
- Pink Cardinal Hume
- Pink Cavalier
- Pink Cottage
- Pink Cover
- Pink Chalice
- Pink Chimo®
- Pink Delite (Found Rose)
- Pink Euphoria
- Pink Flower Carpet
- Pink Formal
- Pink Knock Out™
- Pink L. D.
- Pink Landscape
- Pink LD
- Pink Meidiland®
- Pink Meringue
- Pink Mystery
- Pink Nevada (Hilling 1959)
- Pink Nevada (Hybrid Moyesii, Sanday, 1985)
- Pink Pavement
- Pink Pillar
- Pink Polyanna™
- Pink Popcorn™
- Pink Prelude™
- Pink Robin
- Pink Robusta®
- Pink Rocket
- Pink Sensation
- Pink Spray®
- Pink Star®
- Pink Sunsation
- Pink Surprise (Rugosa)
- Pink Surprise (Shrub, Lens 1987)
- Pink Torch®
- Pinky Rugostar®
- PIntersup
- Pipe Dreams
- Pippa's Song
- Pirouette (Floribunda, Lens, 1984)
- Pizzicato
- Plaeine de Grâce
- Plaisanterie
- Play Rose®
- Playmate (Shrub, Horner, 2001)
- Playmate (Shrub, Williams)
- Playpretty™
- Playtime (Shrub, Kordes, 1992)
- Pleine de Grâce
- Poliarchus
- Polka Time
- Polonaise (Shrub, Buck, 1984)
- Polyana
- Polluce®
- Pollux®
- PONanita
- PONanna
- PONbohls
- PONgirl
- PONmer
- PONnell
- PONreno
- PONtriel
- Portlandia
- Portmeirion
- Postillion® (Shrub, Kordes, 1998)
- Potalia
- Potter and Moore®
- POUdunclub
- POUkleioma
- POUlac005
- POUlalo
- POUlans
- POUlaps
- POUlave
- POUlberin
- POULbufi
- POUlcov
- POUldava
- POUldave
- POUldiram
- POUldra
- POUldrom
- POUldron
- POUlemb
- Poulen001
- POUlen002
- POUlen003
- POUlen004
- POUlfair
- POUlfan
- POUlfolk
- POUlgewfa
- POUlharm
- POUlharmu
- POUlheart
- POUlholm
- POUlisab
- POUljill
- POUlma
- POUlna
- POUlning
- POULninga
- POUlnino
- POUlnoz
- POUloesy
- POUloma
- POUlor
- POUlosy
- POUlpyg
- POUlrijk
- POUlrust
- Poulsen's Park Rose
- POUlskov
- POUlsolo
- POUlspan
- POUlsue
- POUlsweet
- POUlsyng
- POUltumb
- POUlurt
- POUlusa
- POUlwarb
- POUlweet
- POUlweeto
- POUllen
- POUrale
- POUskul
- Powder Puff (Alister Clark)
- Prairie Breeze
- Prairie Clogger
- Prairie Charm
- Prairie Dawn
- Prairie Fire
- Prairie Flower
- Prairie Gold
- Prairie Harvest
- Prairie Heritage
- Prairie Joy
- Prairie Lass
- Prairie Maid
- Prairie Peace
- Prairie Pinkie
- Prairie Princess
- Prairie Rhapsody
- Prairie Squire
- Prairie Star
- Prairie Sunrise
- Prairie Sunset
- Prairie Symphony
- Prairie Valor
- Prairie Wren
- Prairie Youth
- Prattigosa
- Precious Child
- Prestige (Shrub, Kordes, 1957)
- Pretty In Pink™
- Pretty Jennifer
- Pretty Jessica
- Prevue
- Prima
- Prince Charming (Shrub, Skinner, 1958)
- Princess Alexandra (Shrub, Poulsen, 1998)
- Princess Alexandra Renaissance
- Princess Marianna
- Princess Verona
- Princesse Alexandra (Hybrid Tea, Poulsen, 1998)
- Princesse Verona
- Pristine Pavement
- Prof. Kurt Lotz-Rose Wildlife
- Prof. N.E. Hansen
- Prospero®
- Proud Bride®
- Proud Titania
- Pteragonis
- Pur Caprice (Shrub, Delbard, 1997)
- Pure and Simple
- Pure Perfume
- Purple Buttons
- Purple Popcorn™
- Purple Reign
- Purple Simplicity
- Pyrenees
- Q15 (Peter Harris)
- Quadra
- Queen Bee
- Queen Margarethe
- Queen Margrethe™
- Queen Nefertiti
- Queen of Hearts™
- Queen Of Sweden
- Queen of the Musks
- Quietness
- Rosa blanda 'Betty Bland'
- Rosa canina 'Abbotswood'
- Rosa canina kiese
- Rosa cantabrigiensis
- Rosa centifolia muscosa 'Parkjuwel'
- Rosa centifolia sancta (Zabel)
- Rosa coryana
- Rosa foetida harisonii
- Rosa glauca 'Carmenetta'
- Rosa gracilis
- Rosa gymnocarpa
- Rosa harisonii
- Rosa headleyensis
- Rosa highdownensis
- Rosa koreana
- Rosa lutea hoggii
- Rosa macrantha 'Raubritter'
- Rosa micranthosepium
- Rosa micrugosa
- Rosa moschata grandiflora
- Rosa moyesii 'Geranium'
- Rosa moyesii 'Highdownensis'
- Rosa moyesii 'Nevada'
- Rosa moyesii 'Sealing Wax'
- Rosa moyesii superba
- Rosa nitida 'Defender'
- Rosa omeiensis 'Red Wing'
- Rosa paulii
- Rosa paulii rosea
- Rosa pendulina X. Rosa tomentosa 'Denudata'
- Rosa pimpinellifolia 'Maigold'
- Rosa pteragonis cantabrigiensis
- Rosa richardii
- Rosa rubella
- Rosa rubrifolia 'Carmenetta'
- Rosa rugosa 'Atropurpurea'
- Rosa rugosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert'
- Rosa rugosa calocarpa
- Rosa rugosa repens alba
- Rosa rugosa repens 'Rosea'
- Rosa rugosa 'Scabrosa'
- Rosa rugosa 'Sir Thomas Lipton'
- Rosa rugosa Superba
- Rosa rugosa 'Yellow Dagmar Hastrup'
- Rosa sancta
- Rosa spaethiana
- Rosa wichuraiana 'Curiosity'
- Rosa wichuraiana variegata
- Rosa wilsonii
- Rosa x aschersoniana (Graebner)
- Rosa x calocarpa
- Rosa X cantabrigiensis
- Rosa x coryana
- Rosa x coryana (Hurst)
- Rosa x davidii 'Fenja'
- Rosa x harisonii
- Rosa x highdownensis (Hillier)
- Rosa x involuta
- Rosa x kochiana
- Rosa x micrugosa
- Rosa x micrugosa 'Alba'
- Rosa x moyesii 'Eddie's Jewel'
- Rosa x moyesii 'Geranium'
- Rosa x moyesii 'Sealing Wax'
- Rosa x nitida 'Dart's Defender'
- Rosa x paulii
- Rosa X paulii rosea
- Rosa x paulii 'Rosea'
- Rosa x pteragonis
- Rosa x pteragonis cantabrigiensis
- Rosa x richardii
- Rosa x rubrosa
- Rosa x spaethiana (Graebner)
- Rosa xanthina 'Canary Bird'
- Rosa xanthina spontanea
- Rabble Rouser™
- Rachel (Shrub, Booth, 1977)
- Rachel Bowes Lyon
- Radbrich
- RADcon
- Radhe
- Radio Times®
- RADrazz
- RADsun
- Radway Sunrise
- Raindrops (Min. Williams)
- Ralph's Creeper™
- Ramona
- Ranger®
- Raspberry Rugostar®
- Raspberry Swirl (Shrub, Walden, 1999)
- Raspberry Twist
- Raubritter
- Ravenna
- Ravensberg®
- Raven™
- Raven™
- RAWbus
- RAWsob
- Ray of Sunshine
- Raymond Carver
- Raymond Chenault
- Rebecca Louise
- Red Ballerina (Shrub, Fryer, 1976)
- Red Ballerina (Shrub, Harkness, 1978)
- Red Blanket®
- Red Carefree Beauty
- Red Cherokee
- Red Dawn
- Red Dot®
- Red Flower Carpet
- Red Grootendorst
- Red Haze®
- Red Hedge (Nyveldt, 1958)
- Red Hedges (Shrub)
- Red Magic Carpet
- Red Mary Rose
- Red Max Graf
- Red Meidiland
- Red Mozart
- Red Prince®
- Red Rascal
- Red Ribbons®
- Red Robin (Shrub, Lens, 1992)
- Red Rocket
- Red Rugostar®
- Red Simplicity®
- Red single, yellow eye
- Red Trail
- Red Wing (Rosa omeiensis)
- Red Wing (Shrub, Poulsen 1995)
- Red Yesterday
- Redouté
- Regina Louise™
- Reine Lucia
- Relax (Shrub, Meilland, 1979)
- Rembrandt Van Ryn
- Rendez-vous (Shrub, Lucas, 1981)
- Repandia®
- Repelsteeltje
- Repens Alba
- Repens Meidiland
- Restless Native
- REXjean
- REYpeg
- REYsel
- Rheinaupark®
- Richard Strauss
- Riches
- Rinascimento® (Shrub, Barni, 1989)
- Ripcal
- Riplila
- Ritter von Barmstede
- Robbie Burns (Shrub, Austin, 1986)
- Robe de Neige
- Robe de Soie
- Robe Fleurie
- Robe Rose®
- Robert Bland
- Robert Clements
- Roberta (synonym for 'Heritage')
- Robin des Bois
- Robin Hood (Hybrid Musk, Pemberton, 1927)
- Robusta (Rugosa, Kordes, 1979)
- Robusta Kordes
- Rock 'N' Roll
- Rockin' Robin™
- Rocky™
- Rochester Cathedral
- Rodeo (Shrub Rose)
- Rödinghausen®
- Roi des Aulnes
- Róisín Ruddle
- Rokoko (synonym 'Baum's Rugosa Rokoko')
- Rokoko (synonym 'Pink Pavement')
- Roman Palace®
- Romance (Shrub, Tantau, 1985)
- Romanze®
- Rosa Gymnocarpa
- Rosa paulii
- Rosa rugosa hollandica
- Rosa Sancta
- Rosalina (Hybrid Rugosa, Kordes 1992)
- Rosalina™ (Hybrid Rugosa, Kordes,1992)
- Rosalita
- Rosarium Uetersen
- Rose à Parfum de l'Hay
- Rose Apples
- Rose de Rescht
- Rose de Resht
- Rose des Cisterciens
- Rose of Picardy
- Rose of the Rhine
- Rose of Tralee
- Rose Valmae
- Rose with yellow-nerved Leaves
- Roselina (Hybrid Rugosa, Kordes)
- Roselina (Hybrid Rugosa, Kordes, 1992)
- Rosella™ (Shrub, 2001)
- Rose-Marie
- Rosemoor™
- Rosendorf Sparrieshoop
- Rosenfest
- Rosenreigen
- Rosenresli®
- Rosenstadt
- Rosenstadt Freising
- Rosenstadt Zweibrücken®
- Rosenzauber
- Roses Are Red
- Rosie Larkin
- Rosy Border®
- Rosy Carpet®
- Rosy Cushion®
- Rosy Cheeks (Miniature, Moore)
- Rosy Larkin
- Rosy Wings
- Rote Apart
- Rote Max Graf
- Rote Mozart
- Rote Woge®
- Rouge (Shrub)
- Rouge Meillandécor
- Route 66
- Royal Amber™
- Royal Bassino®
- Royal Blush™
- Royal Bonica
- Royal Edward
- Royal Midinette
- Royal Pink Delite
- Royal Robe
- Royal Worcester®
- RT 9357 (Varietal denomination at Monza)
- Rubrifolia Carmenetta
- Ruby Meidiland®
- Ruby Voodoo
- Ruffles 'n' Flourishes
- Rugosa Superba
- Rumpelstilzchen
- Running Maid®
- RUPfespin
- Rural Rhythm
- Rush®
- Rushing Stream™
- Ruskin
- Rustica 91
- Ruth Clements™
- S.H. Freedom
- SABfranco
- Sadlers Wells
- Sahara (OLIjcrem)
- Saint Cecilia
- Saint Swithun
- Salmon Impressionist
- Salmon Sunsation
- Sally Holmes
- Sam Houston Rose
- Sammy
- San Gabriel
- Sancta
- SANcharm
- SANdaya
- Sandra (Shrub, Meilland, 1990)
- Sandton City
- Sanguinaire
- SANmed
- SANone
- Santa Barbara
- Sarah Juanita
- Sarah Van Fleet
- Sarah™ (Shrub, Clements, 2001)
- Saremo®
- Sari Hou
- Saskabec
- Satina
- Scabrosa
- Scarborough Fair™
- Scarlet Fire
- Scarlet Glow (Shrub, Kordes, 1952)
- Scarlet Meidiland
- Scarlet Meillandécor
- Scarlet Pavement
- Scarlet Ranger
- Scarlet Ripple
- Scarlet Spreader™
- Scepter'd Isle
- Scintillation
- SCRivluv
- Scharlachglut
- Schloss Eutin
- Schloss Glücksburg
- Schloss Heidegg
- Schloß Lützow
- Schloßgärtnerei Lützow Rose
- Schneeberg
- Schneekönigin® (Floribunda, Evers, 1998)
- Schneelicht
- Schneezwerg
- Schneezwerg Nutkana
- Schone Gezelle Blome
- Schubert (LENmor)
- Schwarzwaldfeuer
- Schwerin
- Sea Foam (Shrub, Schwartz )
- Sea Spray
- Seafoam
- Sealing Wax
- Secret Admirer
- Seedling of Ballerina
- Sekel
- Selbar 0148
- Selina
- Seminole Wind
- Senateur Follette
- Senateur Lafollette
- Serendipity (Buck, 1978)
- Serenity
- Serpent Rose
- Serpent Vert
- Sevillana (S)
- Sevillana™ (Shrub, Meilland, 1982)
- Sevilliana (Shrub, Buck, 1976)
- Shady Lady (Shrub, Meilland)
- Shalom®
- Sharifa
- Sharifa Asma®
- Sharon's Delight™
- Sharon's Love
- Sheer Stripes
- Sheri's Mystery Pink #1
- Sheri's Mystery Pink #2
- Sheri's Mystery Salmon
- Sherrill Anne™
- Showy Pavement
- Shropshire Lass
- Shuzao Red
- SIEroyal
- Sierra Sky
- Sierra Snowstorm
- Siesta
- Signe Relander
- Silver Dawn (Shrub, Viraraghavan 2005)
- Silver River
- SIMchoca
- Simon Fraser
- Simon Robinson
- Simonet's
- Simonet's Double Pink Rugosa
- Simple Gifts™
- Simplicity Purple
- Simplicity Red
- Simplicity Yellow
- Simply Wonderful
- Single White
- Sioux Beauty
- Sir Clough
- Sir Edward Elgar
- Sir Thomas Lipton
- Sir Walter Raleigh® (English Rose)
- Sitka
- Sleeping Beauty (Shrub, Kordes, 1960)
- Smarty®
- Smile™
- Snow Angel
- Snow Ballet®
- Snow Bear
- Snow Bunting
- Snow Cloud
- Snow Dwarf
- Snow Hedge
- Snow on the Heather
- Snowballet
- Snowbelt
- Snowdwarf
- Snowstorm
- Softee
- Solo Mio
- Solo Mio (Shrub, Poulsen, 1999)
- Solo Mio Renaissance®
- Sommerabend®
- Sommermärchen (Shrub, Kordes, 1993)
- Sommermorgen®
- Sommerwind®
- Sonia Rykiel®
- Sonnenschirm
- Sophia Renaissance
- Sophy's Rose
- Sourire d'Orchidée
- South Moon
- Souvenir de Christophe Cochet
- Souvenir de Christophe Cochet
- Souvenir de Marcel Proust
- Souvenir de Philémon Cochet
- Souvenir de Philémon Cochet
- Souvenirs de Marcel Proust
- Space Invader
- Spaethiana
- Spanish Enchantress™
- Spanish Rhapsody
- Sparkler (Shrub, Poulsen, 1988)
- Sparkley
- Sparrieshoop
- Speelwark
- SPEkrien
- SPEvu
- Spicy Lady
- Spinning Wheel™
- Spirit Of Freedom
- Splendora
- Splish Splash (Shrub, Kordes, 1996)
- Spring Hill's Freedom
- Spring Hill's Pink Freedom
- Spring Hill's Red Freedom®
- Spring Song (Shrub, Riethmuller, 1954)
- Square Dancer
- Squatter's Dream
- St Alban
- St. Alban (Shrub, Austin, 2004)
- St. Cecelia
- St. Cecilia®
- St. Dunstan's Rose
- St. John's Rose (Gallica)
- St. Katherines
- St. Swithuns
- St. Swithun™
- St. Tiggywinkles
- Stadt Hildescheim
- Stadt Rosenheim®
- Star Magic
- Star of the Nile™
- Stardust (Shrub, Ilsink, 1998)
- Starry Bouquet™
- Starry Eyed (Shrub, Horner, 1997)
- Starry Night™
- Stella Dorata
- Stellmacher
- Strawberry Fields
- Stretch Johnson
- Stromboli
- Suffolk (Shrub, Kordes, 1988)
- Suitor
- Suma
- Summer Breeze (Climber, Kordes, 1998)
- Summer Jubilee
- Summer Morning
- Summer Pageant
- Summer Sunrise
- Summer Sunset
- Summer Sunset (Beales, 1994)
- Summer Wind
- Summerrose
- Summerwind
- Sun Cover
- Sun Runner™
- SUN RUNNER™ (delete)
- Sun Umbrella
- Sunbonnet Sue
- Sunburn
- Sunburst (shrub)
- Suncover
- Sunday China
- Sunny June
- Sunrise
- Sunrise at Heirloom
- Sunrise Sunset (Shrub, Lim, 2004)
- Sunshine Sally
- Superba (Hybrid Moyesii, Van Rossem)
- Superba (Shrub, Harkness, 1950)
- Supreme Cover
- Surf Rider
- Surrey
- Survivor
- Susan (Shrub, Poulsen, 1997)
- Susan Irvine
- Susan Louise
- Susan Renaissance
- Susan Schneider
- Sussex
- Sutton Place (Shrub)
- Swan®
- Sweet Adeline (Hybrid Rugosa/Shrub)
- Sweet Bouquet
- Sweet Cover®
- Sweet Ecstasy
- Sweet Juliet
- Sweet Pea
- Swift
- Sympathie
- Sympathy
- Symphonie (English Rose, Austin 1986)
- Symphony®
- t/8b/89
- Tahitian Moon
- Talia (Shrub, Barni, 1986)
- Tall Poppy
- Tamora
- TAN97150
- TANabamar
- TANallet
- TANbak
- TANezamor
- TANgiwdul
- Tango (Shrub, McGredy, 1988)
- TANigino
- TANigino (correct registered name is TANotax)
- TANinaso
- Tanlnaso
- TANmirsch
- TANokor
- TANoronez
- TANotax
- TANreufis
- TANrupeza
- TANsenfrie
- Tant Mieux
- TANtern
- TANzahde
- Taos
- Tapis Persan
- Tapis Rouge (Shrub, Interplant, 1987)
- Tapis Volant®
- Tapis Volant® (LENvoha)
- Tasman Venture
- Tchaikovski
- Tchaikovsky®
- Teasing Georgia
- Telford's Promise
- Tendresse
- Tendresse®
- Teriscore (Shrub, Barni, 1986)
- Terracotta (SIMchoca)
- Tess of the D'Urbervilles
- Texas Wax
- TG2045 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2049 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2476 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2498 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2502 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2649 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2694 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2706 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2756 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2770 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- The Abbottsford Rose
- The Alchymist
- The Alexander Rose
- The Alexandra Rose™ (Shrub, Austin, 1992)
- The Cambridge Rose
- The Care Rose
- The Clerk
- The Compass Rose
- The Conductor
- The Cottage Rose
- The Countryman®
- The Children's Rose (HORcohabitat)
- The Dark Lady
- The Didgemere Rose
- The Double Knock Out Rose
- The Edwardian Lady
- The Faun
- The Fawn
- The Friar
- The Generous Gardener
- The Grace Land Rose
- The Herbalist™
- The Holt
- The Hunter
- The Ingenious Mr Fairchild
- The Knight
- The Matsukawa Rose
- The Mayflower
- The Miller
- The Moth
- The Muslin Rose
- The Nanango Rose
- The Nightwatch
- The Nun
- The Oregon Trail
- The Phantom
- The Pilgrim®
- The Poet
- The Prince®
- The Prioress
- The Probable Amphidiploid
- The Reeve®
- The Seckford Rose
- The Service Rose
- The Songbird Rose™
- The Squire®
- The Twins Rose
- The Wedding Rose
- The Wife of Bath
- The Wild One
- The Yellow Rose of Texas
- The Yeoman (Shrub, Austin, 1969)
- Theodor Körner
- Thomas Affleck
- Tickles
- Tidal Wave
- Times Square (Shrub)
- Tipu's Flame
- TOMgift
- TOMhope
- TOMone
- TOMring
- TOMsue
- TOMwild
- Topaz Jewel
- Torche Rose
- Tradescant
- Tranquility™ (shrub)
- Trevor Griffiths
- Trinity (Shrub, McGredy, 1994)
- Trinity Fair
- TRObroy
- TRObwich
- Troilus
- Tropical Fragrance
- Tumbling Waters
- Turbo Meidiland®
- Turbo Rugostar®
- Turbo™
- Türkes Rugosa Sämling
- Tweety
- Twins
- Two Sisters
- TWOadvance
- TWOfree
- Uetersen®
- Uhland
- Ulmer Munster
- Ulmer Münster
- Umsatweet
- Utersen
- Vaire
- Val Johnston
- Valentin Ruch
- Van Bergen
- Van Gogh™
- Vancouver Belle
- Variegated Memorial Rose
- Vent d'Eté
- Venture
- Verdi (Hybrid Musk, Lens, 1984)
- Vermont Vérité
- Versigny
- Versigny®
- Vicky I
- Victorian Charm™
- Victorian Memory
- Vierge Folle
- Viking Princess
- Ville d'Ettelbruck
- Vineyard Song
- Violet Fontaine
- Violet Hood
- Violine
- Virginia Reel
- VIRsplash
- Vivaldi (Shrub, Lens, 1984)
- Vivien's Pink Shrub
- Voeux de Bonheur
- Vogelpark Walsrode
- Volcano Halle Plot
- Von Scharnhorst
- W. Freeland Kendrick
- Wabash Dawn
- Walküre
- Wanderer
- Wanderin' Wind
- Warbler
- Wartburg 77
- Warwick Castle®
- Warwickshire
- Waskasoo
- Waterloo®
- Watermelon Ice (Shrub, Zary, 1998)
- Wax 87
- Waxwing (delete)
- Waxwing (POUlma)
- Wee Snowflake
- Weepy
- WEEsnowflake
- Weihenstephan
- Weisse aus Sparrieshoop
- Weisse Immensee®
- Weisse Max Graf®
- Weisse Repandia
- Weisse Wolke
- WEKajazoul
- WEKboroco
- WEKcryplag
- WEKfabpur
- WEKmorfis
- WEKpipogop
- WEKplasol
- WEKpluroco
- WEKradler
- WEKrera
- WEKsacsoul
- WEKstephitsu
- WEKswetrup
- Well's White Climber
- Wenlock®
- WEOpop
- Werner von Blon
- Werner von Braun
- Westerland
- Westfalen Park
- Westfalenpark®
- Westmoreland (Found Rose)
- What a Peach™
- White Avalanche
- White Carpet
- White Cloud (Climber, Kordes, 1994)
- White Cloud (KORdomal)
- White Cover
- White Euphoria
- White Fleurette®
- White Grootendorst
- White Heritage
- White Hero (English, Rex, 1995)
- White Immensee
- White Mary Rose
- White Max Graf
- White Meidiland
- White Mothersday
- White Nights (Shrub, Poulsen, 1985)
- White Radox Bouquet
- White Seedling
- White Sparrieshoop
- White Spray (Shrub, Lens, 1980)
- White Spray® (Floribunda, LeGrice, 1968)
- White Surprise
- White Wings -- NOT
- Whytewold
- Wickwar
- Wiedenbrück
- Wife of Bath®
- WILalex
- WILbakd™
- WILcrown
- Wild at Heart
- Wild Child
- Wild Dancer™
- Wild Flower (Shrub, Austin, 1986)
- Wild Spirit
- WILdawn
- Wildeve
- Wildfang
- Wildfeuer
- Wildfire (Shrub, Dickson, 1989)
- Wildfire (Shrub, Kordes, 1953)
- Wildflower (Shrub, Austin, 1986)
- WILfolk
- WILgene™
- WILgogh
- Wilhelm Hansmann
- WILivory
- WILjabye
- WILjoeg
- WILkbsp
- WILktwo
- WILpasn
- WILpavl
- WILpop
- WILpurp
- WILrss
- WILscar
- WILscarlet
- WILtwos
- WILvory
- WILwavl
- WILwind
- WILyeld
- Will Alderman
- Will Scarlet
- William and Mary
- William Baffin
- William Booth
- William Christie®
- William Godfrey
- William Hansmann
- William Morris
- William Shakespeare 2000™
- William Shakespeare®
- William Stubbs
- Williamsburg Days
- Winchester Cathedral®
- Winchester®
- Windflower
- Windmill
- Windrose®
- Windrush®
- Wine and Dine™
- Winnipeg Parks
- Winschoten
- Winschotten
- Winsome Native
- Winter King
- Winter Sunset
- Wise Portia
- Wisley
- Women in Military
- Wonderstripe™
- Xanadu
- Xerxes
- Yellow Butterfly (Shrub, Moore, 1989)
- Yellow Button®
- Yellow Carefree Beauty
- Yellow Charles Austin®
- Yellow Dagmar Hastrup
- Yellow Fairy
- Yellow Fontaine (Shrub, Tantau, 1972)
- Yellow Fru Dagmar Hartopp
- Yellow Jacket
- Yellow Light
- Yellow Look
- Yellow Mozart
- Yellow Ribbons®
- Yellow Romantica
- Yellow Simplicity®
- Yellow Submarine
- Yellow Sweet Brier
- Yellow Wings
- Yesterday's Garden
- Yongjoon
- Zaïd
- Zenith (Shrub, Tantau, 1939)
- Zipjul
- Zitkala
- Zitronenfalter® (Shrub, Tantau, 1956)
- Zola
- ZUBlou
- Zweibrücken
[+] Lista de rosales Arbustivos (Ver pág. 1, desde la A hasta la K)
1. Especies silvestres de rosas
- Rosa banksiae
- Rosa canina
- Rosa centifolia
- Rosa damascena
- Rosa eglanteria
- Rosa gallica
- Rosa pimpinellifolia
- Rosa rugosa
- Rosa virginiana
2. Rosales antiguos
- Alba
- Borbonianos
- Centifolia
- China
- Damascenos
- Gallica
- Híbrido perpetuo
- Musgoso
- Noisettianos
- Patio
- Portland
- Sempervirens
- Té
3. Rosales modernos
- Arbustivos
- Híbridos de té
- Floribunda
- Grandiflora
- Polyantha
- Trepadores
- Sarmentosos
- Miniatura
- Tapizantes
- Rosas en árbol: lista de variedades
- Rosas inglesas: lista de variedades
- Rosales paisaje: lista de variedades
- Rosas de corte: lista de variedades

Ficha deRosales arbustivos - Rosas arbustivas - Rosales de parque en Infojardín.

Fichas de todas las plantas: A | a2 | a3 | B | C | c2 | c3 | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | p2 | Q | R | S | s2 | T | U | V | W | Y | Z