Patio - Rosas tipo Patio

Rosales antiguos, Rosas viejas, Rosal antiguo

Patio - Rosas tipo Patio
Foto de Rosal Patio -

Arbustos remontantes. Altura: 35-60 cm y anchura igual: 30-60 cm.

Producen ramilletes compuestos en general por 3-11 flores simples a dobles, que florecen en verano-otoño.

Son muy adecuados para bancales, borduras, setos y también para su cultivo en jardineras.

[+] Lista de rosas tipo Patio (297)

Fuente: HelpMeFind

- 629-92
- 82/1366-1 ('Patio Pearl')
- Abigail
- Abigaile®
- Academy®
- Admirable (Miniature, McCann, 1991)
- Aladdin (Patio, Schuurman, 1999)
- Alamode
- Amber Hit
- Amber Nectar
- Amoretta® (Miniature, De Ruiter, 1980)
- Amorette
- AmoRU
- Ancestry™
- Angel Eve
- Angela Rippon®
- Angel's Blush
- Anna Ford®
- Apricot Summer
- Apricot Sweet Dream
- AROn
- AROwillip
- Aspirin® Rose
- Aspirin-Rose
- Astra (Miniature, Benardella, 1995)
- Atlantis Palace®
- Avon (Miniature, Poulsen, 1992)
- Azulabria
- Baby Bio
- Baby Carnaval
- Baby Carnival
- Baby Faurax
- Baby Love (Miniature, Scrivens, 1992)
- Baby Mascarade®
- Baby Maskarade
- Baby Maskerade®
- Baby Masquerade®
- BARcora
- BARemm
- BARflor
- BARgai
- BARgail
- BARliz
- BARpipp
- BARrian
- Belle of Tehran
- BELlfre
- Benardella's Pearl
- BENben
- BENday
- Benson & Hedges Special
- BENstar
- Betty Driver
- Bianco
- Bijou (Miniature, Lens, 1991)
- Blooming Marvelous
- Blue Carpet
- Blue Peter
- Bluenette
- Bonbon Hit™
- Bordure de Nacrée
- Bordure Nacrée®
- Boy Crazy
- Boys' Brigade
- Boy's Brigade®
- Bramble Bear
- Brass Ring
- Brian (Patio, Barni, 1995)
- Bright Star
- BROala
- Bronze Baby
- Bunter Kobold®
- Butterscotch Sweet Dream
- California Sun
- Carefree Days
- Caring
- Carolina Brian
- Caroline Brian
- Celtic Honey
- Cider Cup
- Cinderella (Patio, Schurrman)
- City Lights
- Claire Rayner
- Claire Scotland
- CLEdare
- CLEfoggy
- CLEmist
- CLEruff
- COCabel
- COCabest
- COCamond
- COCblanco
- COCceleste
- COCcrazy
- COCdapple
- COCdimity
- COCdimple
- COCdinkum
- COCglen
- COClament
- COCmarris
- COCoray
- COCshimmer
- Colour Magic
- Conservation
- Coral Carpet
- Coralitos
- Corallina (Patio, Barni, 1993)
- Cosette
- Cottage Garden (Miniature, Harkness, 1992)
- CHEsdeep
- CHESsupremo
- CHEWayaye
- CHEWharla
- CHEWtiggle
- China Berry
- CHRisnusp
- Dainty Dinah
- Daltons Gold
- Dandenong
- Danny Boy (Miniature, Dickson, 2000)
- Dazzler (Patio, Genesis, 1994)
- Debut Meillandina
- Debut™
- DELcrouf
- DICgrow
- DICladida
- DIClittle
- DIClulu
- DICmagic
- DICmoppet
- DIComo
- DICracer
- DICrevival
- DICtalent
- DICtator
- DICuseful
- DICvood
- DICwonder
- DICxciting
- DICxcon
- DICxplosion
- Dolly Dot
- Donald Thomas Heald
- Dorola®
- Douce Symphonie®
- Dream Ruffles
- Drummer Boy (Floribunda, Harkness, 1987)
- Duchess of York (Floribunda, Dickson, 1994)
- Eleanor
- Elegant Pearl®
- Emily Louise
- Emmy (Patio, Barni, 1993)
- Esther's Baby
- Estru
- Fairy Gold
- Fairy Lights
- Fergie
- Festival (Miniature, Kordes, 1994)
- Fête des Mères
- Fiesta (Floribunda, McGredy, 1998)
- Firebird (Patio, Schuurman)
- Florita®
- Flower Power (Patio, Fryer, 1998)
- Fluffy
- For You (Miniature, Dot, 1946)
- FOUtell
- Francine Royneau
- Frankenland®
- Free Gold (Miniature, McGredy, 1983)
- Freegold®
- Fresh Cream (Miniature, Bell, 1996)
- Frisco®
- FRYgoldie
- FRYminicot
- FRYministar
- FRYsweetie
- Gaia
- GANdri
- GANfer
- GEAaward
- Gelber Kobold
- GENpat
- Gentle Cover
- Gentle Touch
- Ginger Nut
- Gingernut
- Girls' Brigade
- Glenshane™
- Gold Patio
- Golden Anniversary (Patio, 1997)
- Golden Fire
- Golden Hands
- Golden Penny (Miniature, deRuiter, 1973)
- Golden Piccolo
- Golden Symphonie
- Goldfächer
- Goldilocks (Miniature, Schuurman, 1999)
- Goldpenny
- Granny's Favourite
- Greenall's Glory
- Guletta
- Hakuun
- Hampton Palace
- Hand in Hand
- Hannah Hauxwell
- Happy Times (Patio)
- HARaztec
- HARbanjo
- HARbingo
- HARbonny
- HARboul
- HARcross
- HARedge
- Harewood
- HARfab
- HARfleet
- HARkinder
- HARpiccolo
- HARquantum
- HARquillypond
- HARvacity
- HARvee
- HARvestal
- HARvissa
- HARwaderox
- HARwazzle
- HARwilla
- HARwinner
- HARyamber
- Hauraki
- Honest Abe
- Honey Bear (Miniature, Chaffin, 1987)
- Honey Bear (Patio, Delbard, 1973)
- Honey Bunch® (Floribunda, Cocker, 1989)
- Honeybunch (Floribunda, Cocker, 1989)
- Hope (Floribunda, Cocker, 1998)
- Hope 98
- HORapsunmolbabe
- HORflashrob
- Hot Gossip (Miniature, Zary, 1997)
- House Beautiful
- Humanity
- Ice Angel (Miniature, Zary, 1997)
- Impulse (Patio)
- Indian Silk
- Ingrid
- Innocence (Floribunda, Cocker, 1997)
- Innocence 96
- Insolite
- INTERflu
- INTERfly
- INTerfour
- INTergant
- International Herald Tribune
- INTerrob
- Irresistible
- Ivory Flush
- Ivory Palace
- JACati
- JACbed
- JACber
- JACsego
- Jane Asher
- JAYanc
- Jennie Robinson
- Jennifer Joy
- Joy (Patio)
- Joycie
- Juliet Ann
- Just Happy
- Kaikoura®
- Kapiti
- KENfine
- Kim (Floribunda, Harkness, 1973)
- KIRmac
- KIRsmile
- KORcelin
- KORdadel
- Kordes' Rose Dorola
- KORdialo
- KORflapei
- KORhitom
- KORpapiro
- KORquema
- KORquemo (Ludwigs Roses)
- KORquemu
- KORtingle
- KORwalbe
- Lady Love
- Lady Taylor
- Laguna Palace
- Laura Ashley
- Laura Chantal
- Laurel Louise™
- Lavender Jewel
- LENblank
- LENlilo
- LENlitlit
- LENlitpap
- LENvir
- Little Bo-Peep
- Little Dot (Polyantha, Henderson 1879)
- Little Jewel (Miniature, Cocker, 1980)
- Little Nugget (Miniature, Schuurman, 1992)
- Little Opal
- Little Pearl (Miniature, Schurrman, 1992)
- Little Pet
- Little Russell
- Little Sapphire (Patio, Schuurman, 1999)
- Little Star Rose
- Little White Pet
- Little Woman
- Little Wren
- Liza
- Longleat
- Lovebird
- Lovely Fairy
- Lucky Duck
- LLX8040
- LLX8558
- LLX8773
- MACcarrib
- MACfirinlin
- MACfreego
- MACglemil
- MACgutsy
- MACinca
- MACleide
- MACnickel
- MACpandem
- MACros
- MACshana
- MACtenni
- MACwalla
- MACwynpin
- MACwynscar
- Maidy®
- Majorette 86
- Majorette® (Miniature, Meilland, 1986)
- MAN 3/00
- MAN2/00
- MAN2/01
- Manapouri
- Mandarin® (Miniature, Kordes, 1987)
- MANpurgold
- Marie Parvie
- Marie Pavic
- Marie Pavié
- Marlena
- Marry Me™
- Mary Gammon
- MEHamber
- MEHnina
- MEHpride
- MEHyex
- MEIbarka
- MEIbarke
- MEIpiess
- MEIrokad
- MEItonje
- MEIvapium
- MEIxerul
- MICangel
- Millie Walters™
- Mini Lights
- Minilights
- Miss Havisham
- Miss Saigon
- MORchari
- MORivory
- MORjoyc
- MORmilli
- Morning Star (Patio, Zary)
- Morsdag
- Morsdag Oranje
- Morsdag Roze
- Morsdag Wit
- MORsewel
- Mothersday (Floribunda, Grootendorst, 1949)
- Mr. JCB
- Mrs. Walter Burns
- Muttertag
- Muttertagers
- Natchez
- New Arrival
- New Fashion
- Niagara (Shrub, Poulsen, 1998)
- Nickelodeon
- Nina (Shrub, Mehring, 2000)
- Northwest Sunset (Study Name)
- Ocarina
- OcaRU
- Old Glory™ (Miniature, Benardella, 1988)
- Oliver Twist
- Ondella (Floribunda, Meilland, 1994)
- Our George
- Pallas (Miniature, Harkness, 1989)
- Pallos
- Pamela (Floribunda, Kordes, 1987)
- Pandemonium
- Pandora (Miniature, Harkness, 1989)
- Paper Anniversary
- Para Ti
- Parkay
- Passion Ruffles
- Patio Cloud
- Patio Pearl (Patio, Poulsen)
- Patio Princess
- Peach Dream
- Peach Meillandina
- Peach Sunblaze
- PEApet
- Pearl (Patio, Benardella)
- Pearl Anniversary
- PEAxanthouse
- Pêche Meillandina
- Peek A Boo
- Peek-a-boo
- Penelope Keith
- Perestroika
- Peter Pan (Floribunda, Schuurman, 1999)
- Peter Pan (SUNrepa?)
- Petit Four®
- Petite Fredaine
- Phoenix (Miniature, Harkness, 1989)
- Pickwick
- Pink Hit® (Patio, Poulsen, 1996)
- Pink Pirouette
- Pink Symphonie
- Pink Symphony
- Pinocchio (Miniature, Schuurman, 1999)
- Pippy
- PIXihon
- POUlagun
- POULbon
- POUlcub
- POUldace
- POUlgan
- POUlgret
- POUlhit
- POUlholm
- POUljenjoy
- POUlmulti
- POUlnoev
- POUlrav
- POUlrnula
- POUlsiana
- POUlstar
- POUlsun
- POUltex
- POUlthe
- POUltin
- POUltipe
- POUlzazz
- POUlzin
- POUllen
- POUpearl
- Pour Toi
- Pretty Polly (Miniature, Meilland, 1987)
- Prince Palace®
- Proud Heritage
- Pure Bliss™ (Hybrid Tea, Dickson, 1994)
- Purple'n'Gold
- Pzazz
- Queen Mother (Floribunda, Kordes 1991)
- Queen Mum
- Rainbow Magic™
- Ready Teddy
- Red Meilove
- Red Rascal
- Reddy Teddy
- RENsun
- Rexy's Baby
- Richard Buckley
- Riverdance
- Robin Red Breast
- Robin Redbreast
- Romeo Meilove
- Rosabell (Floribunda, Cocker, 1988)
- Rose Baby
- Rosy Ann
- Rosy Future
- Royal Salute
- Ruby Anniversary
- Ruffles Dream
- Ruffles 'n' Flourishes
- Ruffles Passion
- RUgul
- RUIblun
- SABbyron
- SABclive
- SABfairbanks
- Salmo
- Salmo Hit
- Sarah, Duchess of York
- Scarlet Patio (Kordes, 1992)
- Scarlet Shadow
- Scentasia
- Scottish Special
- SCRivluv
- SEAdeep
- Seale Peach
- SEAridbelt
- SEArodney
- Sequoia Jewel
- Sheer Delight
- Shine On™
- Shining Light
- Show 'n' Tell
- Simply Wonderful
- SMItling
- Snow Cloud
- Snow Cover
- Snow White (Patio, Schuurman, 1998)
- Snowcap
- Snowdrop
- Sonia Sunblaze®
- Sonnenkind®
- Soroptimist International
- Special Child
- Special Friend
- SPEvu
- Stacey Sue
- Stardust (Patio)
- Stargazer (Floribunda, Harkness, 1997)
- Starlight Parade
- Strawberry Fayre (Miniature)
- Sugar Baby
- Sun Hit®
- SUNalad
- SUNcor
- Suncharm
- Sundance Palace
- SUNgold (Miniature, Schuurman, 1992)
- SUNhino
- Sunhit
- SUNlock
- SUNmapa
- Sunnyside (Miniature, Poulsen, 1992)
- SUNorpa
- SUNpat
- SUNpearl
- SUNpete
- SUNpino
- SUNrepa
- SUNsap
- SUNscent
- Sunseeker
- SUNwend
- SUNwhite
- SUNwipa
- Sweet Chariot
- Sweet Dream (Floribunda, Fryer)
- Sweet Dreams (Floribunda, Fryer 1988)
- Sweet Magic
- Sweet Memories
- Sweet Sunblaze
- Sweet Symphonie
- Sweet Symphony
- Sweet Wonder
- Takapuna®
- TANabagus
- TANba
- TANbakede
- TANelaigib
- TANinaso
- TANiripsa
- TANkenfram
- Tanlnaso
- TANope
- Tapis d'Orient
- Tapis Jaune®
- Tattooed Lady
- Tear Drop
- Teardrop
- Texas (Miniature, Poulsen 1984)
- TG2467 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2698 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2718 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- TG2722 (RNRS Trial Ground No.)
- Thank You (Miniature, J. Chessum)
- The Care Rose
- The Soroptimist Rose
- The Valois Rose
- The Wedding Rose
- Thoughts Of You
- Tiger Cub
- TINresist
- Tip Top®
- To Mummy
- Tom Thumb (Patio, Schuurman)
- TOMtal
- Top Marks
- Top of the Bill
- Topaze
- Topkapi Palace
- TRObette
- TRObgold
- Valeria Sykes
- Valerie Sykes
- Variety Club (Harkness, 1999)
- Violet Hit®
- Violetta (Floribunda, Harkness, 1984)
- Viorita
- Virginia Dare™ (Patio, Clements, 1998)
- Wanaka®
- War Dance (Floribunda, McGredy, 1998)
- Wee Cracker
- Wee Jock
- Well Done!
- Wendy (Miniature, Dot, 1946)
- Wendy (Miniature, Schuurman, 1993)
- WHAmemo
- White Carpet
- White Cloud (Floribunda, Poulsen, 1962)
- White Dream®
- White Pet
- White Tinkerbell
- Will-O'-The-Wisp
- Wizard
- Woodland Sunbeam
- Yellow Beauty (Miniature)
- Yellow Patio
- Yesterday®
- Young Cale


1. Especies silvestres de rosas

- Rosa banksiae
- Rosa canina
- Rosa centifolia
- Rosa damascena
- Rosa eglanteria
- Rosa gallica
- Rosa pimpinellifolia
- Rosa rugosa
- Rosa virginiana

2. Rosales antiguos

- Alba
- Borbonianos
- Centifolia
- China
- Damascenos
- Gallica
- Híbrido perpetuo
- Musgoso
- Noisettianos
- Patio
- Portland
- Sempervirens
- Té

3. Rosales modernos

- Arbustivos
- Híbridos de té
- Floribunda
- Grandiflora
- Polyantha
- Trepadores
- Sarmentosos
- Miniatura
- Tapizantes

- Rosas en árbol: lista de variedades
- Rosas inglesas: lista de variedades
- Rosales paisaje: lista de variedades
- Rosas de corte: lista de variedades

Más información en el Archivo:

Ficha de Patio - Rosal tipo Patio en Infojardín.

Fichas de todas las plantas: A | a2 | a3 | B | C | c2 | c3 | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | p2 | Q | R | S | s2 | T | U | V | W | Y | Z